Christmas is just around the corner and that means that most of us will be preparing a turkey on the big day.
And it can be a pretty daunting task!
If you’re not 100 per cent sure how to make sure that your turkey is perfectly prepared and safely cooked, Safefood has shared their top tips for your dream turkey!

Get your fridge ready
Yes, the prep begins before you even have your turkey!
You’ll have to give your fridge a good clean with warm soapy water before bringing the turkey home. If you can re-arrange the shelves to make space for your turkey!
And most importantly – you should store it on the bottom shelf.
55% of people are worried about cooking their turkey this year, but if you follow these steps, you can rest easy knowing you won’t have a Christmas disaster.

Give yourself enough time to defrost
If your turkey is frozen, give yourself enough time to defrost it before cooking!
Make sure to defrost it on a dish or tray on the fridge’s bottom shelf.
How long should you wait then?
Allow 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds/1.8-2.2kg of frozen turkey. You’ll know it’s completely thawed when the body is soft, the legs can be moved and there are no ice crystals in the cavity.

Don’t wash your turkey
Do not wash your turkey!
This can spread harmful bacteria to your sink and kitchen surfaces – proper cooking will kill any bacteria.
Handle your turkey as little as possible and remember to wash your hands and any surfaces/utensils with hot, soapy water before you handle anything else.

How to check if your turkey is cooked
To check your turkey is safely cooked, take it out of the oven and pop a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the meat between the breast and the leg; when it reads 75 degrees Celsius, it’s safely cooked.
If you don’t own a meat thermometer, pierce the thickest part with a clean skewer or fork and check that it is piping hot, with no pink meat left and the juices run clear.

Always cover your leftovers
Always cover any leftovers and place in the fridge within two hours of cooking. Ensure any meat is cooled as quickly as possible – cutting it into pieces will help with this.
Once in the fridge, any leftovers should be eaten within three days.
When reheating food, ensure it is piping hot all the way throughout and only reheated once.
You can find out more at www.safefood.net/christmas