Pippa O’Connor has revealed the super sweet reason why she chose the name Louis for her second child.
In a new blog post on Pippa.ie the model celebrated her beautiful baby boy being one month old, and in the post Pippa revealed the adorable reason she chose the name.
She admitted that it is because Louis the male version of Louise, which is Pippa’s mums name. Louise sadly passed away 2 years ago from a heart attack, and she wanted to keep her memory alive.
“We only had one boy name in our heads. Louis is French for ‘famous warrior.’ I love it and I liked how well it went with Ollie. The main reason we chose Louis was it’s the male version of Louise, after my Mum,” Pippa wrote.

Pippa also told her followers what life is like now as a mum-of-two, admitting that she didn’t know what to expect having another child, but she was excited that three-year-old Ollie would have a little pal.
“I really didn’t know what to expect having two kids. I was very excited as I couldn’t wait for Ollie to have a little pal to grow up with but also I was nervous about how it would change things.

“I didn’t think about it too much though – my pregnancy flew and before I knew it, Louis was here!”
Pippa is laying low at the moment and enjoying spending time at home with her family.
She is set to return to work in September with new projects in the pipeline.