Can you believe this is the actor better known as James Bond? Yep, this is in fact Pierce Brosnan and not, as your eyes would lead you to believe, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams.
The usually fresh-faced star was spotted in costume for new flick The Chinaman, which involved greying hair and a full tash & beard, along with a pair of specs.

The politician-style suit finished off the Gerry look, but in the movie, which also stars Jackie Chan, Pierce actually plays former IRA member turned government official Liam Hennessy.
Gerry has yet to respond to his unlikely doppleganger, but the active Twitter user will undoubtedly make some remark later today.
So far, he’s been preoccupied with important political matters. Like, um, how slippery the ground is…
Slippy pavements! Whoooopsssadaisy!
— Gerry Adams (@GerryAdamsSF) January 14, 2016