Our nerves are shot.
It has been an intense week on Dancing with the Stars with two couples being forced to dance once again to prove that they should stay in the competition.
Shane Byrne has been delighting us week after week but his American Smooth to Luck Be a Lady Tonight by Frank Sinatra failed to impress with the judges giving them 22.
He was in the dance-off against Panti Bliss who got 25 points for their tango to Gimme Gimme Gimme by ABBA.

Panti has been tipped as one of the favourites to win and they have a loyal fanbase, so it was a surprise to see them dancing for their survival.
Twitter shared their surprise by the bottom two this week.
Rooting for @PantiBliss 💝 #DWTSIRL
— preece_louise (@Louisepreece_1) February 26, 2023
#DWTSIRL I’m confident @PantiBliss will dance next week
— Máire 🇵🇸 NiGiollaBhríde (@qualann) February 26, 2023
Aw here disbelief there as funny voting tutt tutt #DWTSIRL
— karen mulhern (@swimmerdonegal) February 26, 2023
Surely Shane Byrne has to be gone…. #DWTSIRL
— Anthony Shannon (@AnthonyShannon2) February 26, 2023
putting panti and shane against each other hurts me #DWTSIRL
— will “big man” formerly (@wjo5_) February 26, 2023
Rooting for Panti!#DWTSIRL
— Anne Marie Shortall (@13Shorty13) February 26, 2023
No matter the outcome, Panti is our winner! #dwtsirl
— Stephen Boylan (@s__boylan) February 26, 2023