Operation Transformation continues tonight with its fourth week of the series. As things get tougher for the leaders, it’s time for them to up the anti with their workouts and healthy eating habits.
Speaking on Radio 1 with Ray D’Arcy today, leader Chris McElligott explained how hard it is for all of the contestants, but especially for him because he’s an amputee.
However, the Dubliner isn’t letting this slow him down. He’s been steadily losing weight throughout the competition, having already shed more than a stone.
“I think the most difficult part of it for me is having to work twice as hard as everybody else because I’m an amputee. Not only am I an amputee, as anybody who’s an amputee will tell you, it’s much harder to work as an above knee amputee than it is as a below knee amputee.

“But excuses aside I’ve really enjoyed every bit of it so the fact that I’m working twice as hard as everybody else does take its toll on my body,” he said.
Chris also admitted that while he is working very hard, his wife Elizabeth deserves a lot of credit for the amount that she does. She is his secret weapon, and he said that he couldn’t succeed on this journey without her.
“I would not be where I am today without Elizabeth being behind me and pushing me as much as she does. I would not have as much free time to do Operation Transformation if I didn’t have Elizabeth taking care of the kids, the house, stuff like that.
“So as much as it is for me, this is also for her and the kids as well. For me, that’s what gives me the drive to push on and do as well as I’m doing. I wouldn’t be able to do it if I didn’t have her,” he said.
You can catch Operation Transformation on RTE One tonight at 8:30pm.