Niall Horan is very proud of his Irish roots. The Mullingar native never shies away from the fact that he’s an Irish man, and he’s most certainly proved that with his latest social media post.
Sharing part of writer Terry McMahon’s recent “This is Our Ireland” speech, Niall has shown his patriotic side, and his feelings on austerity in our country.
On Twitter he shared this: “This is our Ireland. Not the government’s. Not the bank’s. Not the corporation’s. Not the dehumanising scum who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
“Ireland belongs to the dreamers, the fighters, the explorers; the deeply rooted, the Traveller and the recently arrived; the pink-skinned, brown skinned, and every in-between skinned; the old, the young, the straights, the LGBTs, and the sitting on the fencers.

“Ireland belongs to the musicians, the poets, the artists, and to the audience; the vulnerable, the special needs, the carers; the mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who find the courage to wake up every day and fight for our better future.
“Ireland belongs to the people who make us proud to know them. The storytellers who make you crack up laughing then break down weeping. Ireland belongs to the innumerable ba***rds known worldwide for their humanity. Their decency. Their goddamn Irishness.”