As we move into a new season you may want to give your home a bit of an overhaul. Whether that be a complete makeover or just a little move around of the Feng Shui in a room.
VIP Magazine chatted to interior designer Natasha Rocca Devine where she shared her design tips.
And here’s what you need to know about giving your home a little boost…
Clean and Clear
First off, clean and clear It sounds so obvious. You don’t have to throw everything out – but go through everything and a bit like Marie Kondo ask yourself do I love this, do I need this? You can donate it or you can even sell it!
Re-evaluate the space and see what you need and what you don’t need. As part of that make a list of what you want. It’s kind of like a plan so you don’t panic and get completely lost.
You can have a really great starter in your space, so don’t just throw everything out.

Make a theme
The theme can be very simple. If you have the money and time the theme can be very elaborate, with wallpaper and light pendants and a new couch and all the rest. But you can do it with accessories. You can paint a wall! Everyone can paint a wall.
I love doing themes around books or a favourite movie. You can do them around a happy memory. It’s such a simple idea.
Whether it be a room or the whole house – theme it! Whatever you love go for it.
Don’t look at trends, focus on something you love.
I underestimated how wonderful it is to go sourcing things in your local charity shop. You don’t have to break the bank to give your space a revamp.
You can upcycle pieces you already own as well. I like to upcycle tables with wallpaper and it’s just gorgeous. You can upcycle lights. Or you can reupholster your grandmother’s chair.
There are so many tutorials online as well so you can do everything yourself! Practice makes perfect.
You put these three together you can transform a whole home or a room or an office in a small way or a big way, depending on your budget. It’s very logical and practical!
Natasha Rocca Devine’s podcast Space to Grow returns with a second season on October 9th wherever you listen to your podcasts