Primetime star Miriam O’Callaghan has opened up about how the death of her cherished sister affected her, saying it gave her a massive “wake-up call”.
The RTE presenter has admitted that the passing of her sibling at such a young age, taught her about what’s important in life, and how to prioritise things.
Her treasured sister Anne died in 1995, which shocked the the entire O’Callaghan family
“Perhaps it is because my sister died in her thirties, but I’ve always just been grateful” the 55-year-old said.
“That was a wake-up call and, if anything, I think it’s weird now to worry about your age.”
Miriam also spoke out on how it incenses her to see women being scrutinised over their looks or how they age, saying it’s not fair.
“Men don’t worry about things like age in life and it annoys me that we worry in our thirties and forties, we should stop that,” she told Evoke.ie.
“I wasn’t always on screen either. I was a lawyer and a producer before going on screen, so maybe if you’ve to always look a certain way, or you rely on your looks, you can then worry about looks too much.”