

Lyra: “I finally feel accepted for the first time”

Lyra Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

We are big fans of Lyra here at VIP HQ.

So we were delighted to spend the day with her at the beach for our August issue.

She has really cemented herself as one of Ireland’s leading pop girlies but it wasn’t an easy road for the Cork woman.

Firstly in school when she was afraid to walk down the street in Cork for fear of someone attacking her, and then again later in life when she was told to look a certain way, to speak a certain way, to act a certain way.

Lyra Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

Now, Lyra does everything how she wants, blocking out the naysayers

“Why should I feel bad for being me? Realistically, I’m always going to be this little weirdo, there’s nothing I can do if people don’t like that. I might as well enjoy myself!” she tells us in our August issue.

“I was just sick to death of people wanting me to sound like this and look like that and talk in a certain way, be like this or be like that. I was so drained of having that feeling of never being enough and always feeling like I had to be someone else to be accepted,” she admits.

“I was so bloody sick of it, I just thought f*** this, and that’s where Queen came from,” she says about her song, Queen.

Lyra Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

“I remember the day I was writing it, I just felt so great about myself. It was like I put this armour on. It was like, well, if you don’t want me, that’s fine because I’m finally happy with myself. Whenever I sing Queen my confidence goes right up, I feel so proud of myself when I perform it. I love that song.”

Ah we love you Lyra!

Pick up the August issue of VIP Magazine to read our full interview with Lyra!

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