Lisa Fitzpatrick has admitted that in the past she would try to draw the eye away from her 15 stone weight by dressing glamorously and wearing heavy make-up.
“I was very good at disguising it. I would wear sparkly shoes and draw everyone’s eye. I was really good at doing my make-up”, she told
Now content at ten-and-a-half-stone, Lisa thinks back over that time and remembers an unhappy period in her life, confessing; “Everything went downhill when I put on weight.”
To stop people from noticing her sudden weight gain she would put emphasis on her eyes and hair, the bigger and bolder the better. “That really kept everyone looking up there so nobody looked down there.” She also comments how she didn’t realize how much bigger she had gotten until her friends stepped in.
The tv presenter and author can pinpoint exactly where it all went wrong: “It was fast food, chocolate, crisps as well as drinking alcohol every night.”

Many years have passed since that time and Lisa looks radiant and healthy. Sharing her advice with others who are unhappy with their weight, she said;
“I say to women, the only way for you to start is to be in the right frame of mind and to want it yourself, don’t tell anybody, stop talking about diets. If you talk about diets you’ll never lose a pound. Focus and get on with it. Nobody can make you do this, it’s entirely up to you.”
Speaking to the Sunday Independent’s Life magazine, she said:
“I used to care what people thought of me, now I only care about the people I care about, and what they think of me.”

With no immediate plans to follow up the success of the second cook book, the stylist believes now isn’t the right time to write another, instead choosing to wait until she is inspired to write again;
“I’m just not there. I won’t do a book for the sake of it.”