Liam Neeson has spoken out about his stance on the upcoming Brexit referendum, urging Britain to remain in the European Union, because leaving will have severe ramifications for Ireland.
In a statement issued by Irish4Europe, the Ballymena native said that Britain leaving the EU would be a step backward for his homeland. He claims that it would impact negatively on trade in the country, and ruin much of the progress made by the Peace process.
“I would like to lend my voice to Irish4Europe’s campaign to encourage Irish Citizens to vote for the UK to remain in the EU.
“A UK exit would have the worst ramifications for the Island of Ireland. Economically, this would be a backwards step for Ireland.

“It would be truly a shame to sacrifice all the progress that has been made by the Peace process regarding border controls,” he said.
U2 are also asking voters in the UK to vote Remain too. Taking to their Facebook page, the band wrote, “For Irish voters in Britain, don’t go we’d miss you… Europe without Britain seems unimaginable to us. Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry.”
Just yesterday, David Beckham also made his feelings on the referendum known, again asking voters to choose Remain.
The Brexit referendum will take place in the UK tomorrow.