Back in February, RTÉ 2fm announced a major shake-up to their schedule, which saw presenters switching time slots and introduced new faces to radio.
The shake-up saw Roz Purcell and Emma Power taking over Dave Fanning weekend slot at 12PM to 3PM. While Laura Fox’s weekend show was extended.
While shake-ups can be a challenge, the girls are loving the new schedule. Speaking to us at The Platinum VIP Style Awards, Laura shared: “My show’s going great 9am – 12pm, Saturdays and Sundays, you can catch it on 2fm. Coming straight after the news.”
While Emma explained: “Myself and Roz has been running now for nearly three months, 12-3 on 2fm, its been really well. We’re really enjoying it, I feel like we are really starting to settle into the show. Every weekend we’re just having so much fun.”
While Emma was enjoying the show, the early mornings can prove a challenge, especially on nights like The Platinum VIP Style Awards. As she had to travel to Cork the next morning for her show. While Laura had learned from her part: “I’ve gotten wise in my old age, and I booked tomorrow off work.”
With Emma reminiscing about last year’s event: “So last year we went to the Style Awards and Laura had to go to work the next morning, and I stayed in Laura’s house, and I was sleeping in till 12 o’clock. This year, the tables have turned she’s booked the day of and now I have to get up early for work.”
“I brought her home sausage rolls, lucazade, coffee, the works. And now I don’t even have you to return that favour,” Laura joked.