Operation Transformation presenter Kathryn Thomas has revealed she has her own weight and body image struggles, and that she worries just like every other woman.
She has admitted that she’s “prone to putting on weight”, as she’s a bit of a foodie.
Speaking to RSVP Magazine, Kathryn said, “I’m not this fitness freak. I love going out for dinner with my partner Padraig.
“I’m just like every other woman – you have bad days and bad weeks – but I worry like every other woman.
“I have to work hard for my figure. I’m lucky that I really enjoy healthy foods and I enjoy running and training. Honestly, exercise keeps me sane.”

The presenter admits that she strikes the balance, by working hard and eating well during the week, and then taking a break and spoiling herself at the weekends.
She said, “I’ll try do the ‘five days on and two off’ rule so I eat really clean for five days and then it all goes out the window when I go out to dinner at the weekend.
“Believe me, if I’m out for dinner, I am out for dinner. I have all the courses. It’s a treat and I never deny myself that, but I cut back during the week.
“If this is your lifestyle, you have to learn to work around it. You have to know what choices to make.”