It was weekend of celebrating for Jodie Wood and her family, as they had a very special event, their youngest boy Noah’s Christening day. The family pulled out all the stops, and Jodie looked as glamorous as ever as she shared some snaps from the occasion to social media.
Posting to Instagram the Irish influencer said;”A little boy’s big day.”
Whilst getting ready the morning of she also shared how the new restrictions changed their plans for the day; “Christening was meant to be 18 people today, obviously that’s not happening, there’s just six of us going for lunch.”
Jodie and her husband, Will have two children together, a little boy Milo who is three, and they welcomed baby Noah into the world back in September of 2020.
Sharing the news at the time she said; “Our darling boy arrived safely on Monday morning, September 28th. Feeling incredibly lucky to have been blessed with a little brother for Milo and we can’t wait to get him home to meet him in a few days.”
Little Noah arrived earlier than expected, at 36 weeks, and had to spend a little bit of time in ICU, but thankfully was happy and healthy; “He’s 36 weeks which means he’s a great size and is doing really well having just graduated from NICU. Thank you for all your well wishes this week, we are on cloud 9.”
Speaking exclusively with VIP Magazine earlier this year she shared how she feels like he has missed out on so much, as he was born in the middle of the pandemic.
She revealed it’s been a completely different experience to her last, and feels sad for Noah, who hasn’t been able to get the same experiences as their first child; “I feel like Noah has been so deprived of the outside world.”
“With Milo I was heading off to mum and baby groups or coffee mornings with new mums to make friends for him and me too or going out for big walks and getting to show off the baby and that hasn’t happened in the last six months.”

“I know he doesn’t know any different, but I feel like he hasn’t had as fun a start as Milo did,” she said.
“I feel sad that so many people won’t have seen him while he’s small, they’ll be meeting him for the first time when he’s eight or nine months old and sure then they’re basically off to college,” she laughed.
Continuing she added; “He has met all of my close family on an individual basis, but it’s not the same as passing the baby over to someone for a cuddle.”