
Joanne Larby shares update one week after giving birth to her son River

Joanne Larby
Pic: Instagram/ Joanne Larby

Influencer Joanne Larby has shared an emotional update after her first week of motherhood.

Getting real about her struggles, excitement and appreciation for all women Joanne wrote a lengthy informative caption alongside some of the highlights of her first week with River.

“One week of River and one week postpartum. One unexpected 26 hour labour induction, emergency c-section, infection from a catheter, bruised limbs from anti clot and anti d injections, a taste of baby blues, the challenges of a first time breastfeeding journey… and I can safely say I’ve barely hit the fourth trimester walking,” she said.

Joanne Larby

“I never in my life thought I would be excited by seeing a sticky toffee nappy explosion, to feel such elation when my milk came in on day 4, or such relief to no longer pass blood clots in my urine on day 7. I never thought Adam would have to inspect my downstairs with a head torch to check for healing, or feed and water me while River and I work through latches, sucks, engorgement, and trying new feeding positions that don’t cause my scar to feel uncomfortable. I never thought I would have to rely on a man to do almost EVERYTHING else for me bar feed our child. Today I put on a little make up while feeding and that was a win,” she continued.

The influencer also admitted that motherhood has heightened her appreciation for women, “I always thought women were f*cking amazing, but birth has brought a newfound respect and empathy I can’t relay into words. I had a really low risk gorgeous pregnancy that ended in quite a traumatic intense birth, so it just goes to show you how unpredictable growing life can be.

Joanne Larby
Pic: Instagram/ Joanne Larby

“Through every processing cry or difficult feed, through every little worry or wonder if I’m doing this whole mom thing right, I’m reminded that another 1000 women have been here before me…and although our miracle babies are absolutely worth every minute, every minute is absolutely not easy.”

Joanne gave birth to her son River with her fiancé on the third of February and has been keeping followers updated on her life as a mom ever since.

Posting her baby announcement to Instagram she wrote, “Last night at 12.05am we welcomed the most beautiful little boy earthside.”

“Words cannot describe the feelings I’ve been experiencing since – it was truly the most intense, challenging, life changing marathon from start to finish, but boy were you worth the wait. I wish I had the words for this level of love.”


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