You don’t often hear of people getting mumps but last November Instagram star, James Kavanagh unfortunately did. He shared on social media the unusual story of how exactly he got it.
He shared that; “No one around me had the mumps so I was v confused as to how I got them.”
Then he received a DM from someone he got a selfie with in a nightclub a couple of weeks before; “This gal slides into my DMs telling me of our encounter in Xico where she got a selfie with me, and naturally we were cheek-to-cheek in the pics, having the craic etc.”
As it turns out the next day this girl woke up with mumps, and as it takes about two weeks to develop, a fortnight later so did James; “She then noticed my face inflating on my story two weeks after she met me (that’s how long it takes to go full Popeye) so put the pieces together and figured out she was my mumps giver.”
In sound form, once she spotted he had it she messaged him to let him know that she give it to him, including the selfie of them both! Saying “Please don’t hate me” James of course thought this was gas and shared; ‘I absolutely love that you told me.’
Safe to say this is a lesson on taking socially distance selfies from now on!