TV3’s Xposé have proven to be, if nothing else, an absolute baby machine. Original leading lady Lorraine Keane had two baby daughters, Aisling O’Loughlin has had two baby sons during her stint on the show, and just after Karen Koster announced that she is pregnant with her second child, so Aisling revealed last month that she is expecting her third!
So an intriguing tween from Sybil Mulcahy caught our eye in VIP Towers today, suggesting that tonight’s Xposé special may be doing more than looking back on the events of 2015!
With Glenda having married husband Rob McNaughton 15 months ago, and Lisa Cannon getting hitched to Richard Neatly at the end of the summer, the question on everyone’s lips was which of them was going to next with the big news? And now, if Sybil’s tweet is anything to go by, we won’t have to wait much longer to find out?