Domhnall Gleeson may be making his mark in Hollywood, but the Irish actor isn’t quite ready to make the big move to America just yet.
The 32-year-old’s career is taking off Stateside, having been involved in a number of Oscar nominated movies, but the star revealed he’d be much happier to stay in Dublin.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Domhnall said, “I think it’s important to keep a place in Dublin. There’s an importance to not living out of a suitcase – at least in my head. There’s always a home somewhere.

“I think it’s good not to have boxes of stuff in your parent’ house.
“My agents would never put any pressure on me to move. They want me to be happy as well as getting jobs.
“I’m comfortable in Dublin. I like it being my home.”
Don’t miss: Domhnall Gleeson gets his name butchered again at last week’s BAFTA’s.