Well it’s that time of year again- Valentine’s Day! While some of us will be receiving roses and enjoying romantic dinners, things don’t always go to plan for the rest of us.
There can be a lot of pressure surrounding the day of love, for everything to be perfect, and we understand that some of us are more romantic than others. Whether it’s spent with your friends or partner, you receive a lavish gift or none, V Day is celebrated differently by everyone, including Irish celebs.
Their lives may be full of glamorous parties and showbiz outings, but when it comes to love it turns out they’re just like us. We asked some of our favourite Irish celebrities about their stand-out Valentine’s memories, the good and the bad!
Cassie Stokes
“Probably getting all dressed up and going out with my friends, we wore sombreros and went for dinner to a really romantic restaurant, there were 7 of us, half of us were in relationships but our partners didn’t join! We started off our meal with tequilas and we laughed the whole night.
“I’m not a big Valentine’s Day fan, it’s probably one of the first things people find out about me! I feel like it’s great to have a day dedicated to celebrating love, but if I’m lucky enough to be with someone I love, I’ll be doing nice things for them everyday. I love love, but I will definitely be spoiling whoever I’m with every day, and not just Valentine’s!”

Jenny Buckley
“My favourite Valentine’s memory was the first dinner Garrett, my husband, made me. He was living with his parents at the time and asked me to come over to watch a DVD. When I got there he had a three course meal prepared with a massive bouquet of flowers… Unfortunately, 10 years of marriage later I’m still waiting for that night to be replicated!”
Holly Carpenter
“When I was 18 I went on a first date on Valentine’s Day (I would strongly advise against it). We went to the cinema and when we were asked would you like to pay together or separate he said… SEPARATE! Bear in mind we had student cards so the tickets were about €5.. I never presume the man will pay, not that he should, but that’s a bit mean in my eyes.”

Clelia Murphy
The best/worst card I ever received was from my “first love” (ah), he was a boarder school in the same school as me. If i remember correctly he was in detention or i could have made that bit up, whatever the reason he gave the money to his pal to buy my card… or at least that was his legitimate excuse when challenged as to why he would buy me a Far Side card, that depicted a couple of centurions running over a moate on the way to pillage a castle. One of the centurions has stopped and is pointing into the moate and the caption was, “look goldfish!!!”
Maia Dunphy
“Bah! I loathe Valentine’s Day! It’s for three main groups of people: hormone-fuelled teenagers, the unimaginative and people with guilty consciences. Romance is a bunch of flowers on a random, rainy Monday, or someone making you breakfast when you’ve been up all night with a crying baby. It’s many things, but it’s definitely not force-grown roses hiked up to the cost of a decent meal out, or a badly made, bug-eyed teddy bear holding a foam heart. Having said that, if my husband doesn’t send me a card, there’ll be trouble.”
Caitin Nic Aoidh
“My favourite memory was when I received a huge bunch of roses and chocolates while my boyfriend was working in Indonesia. I was certain be would have forgotten! He deserves more credit!
Happy Valentine’s Day to our readers, from all in VIP Towers!