Tv presenter Elaine Crowley has spoken out about learning to love her curvy figure – and credits the Kardashian family for helping her body confidence.
The TV3 star has opened up about her struggle with her weight since she was a teenager and has admitted she thinks she is still “clinically obese”. But the 37-year-old says she doesn’t let it stop her enjoying life anymore.
Elaine explained to the Irish Independent that her battle with her weight began after an accident when she was 15, which led her to try a host of diets from the age of 21 – such as the Dukan diet, Unislim and the cabbage soup diet – but she never found long-lasting results.
The Midday presenter said during particularly tough times in her life, such as her dad passing away, she would reach for the takeaway menu, which would result in a vicious circle.
“I would order a large pizza or a take-away meal for two and then I didn’t want to go out afterwards because I felt bigger. It snowballed from there,” she said.
“Of course I have shed tears over it. Trying on a dress that doesn’t fit me. You get fed up.”

Elaine says she avoided red carpet events and glitzy ceremonies over her lack of self-esteem, and was even told by a fellow presenter that she “would be beautiful if (she) lost weight”, which deeply upset her.
But nowadays, the gorgeous television star has adopted a different attitude, and thanks Kim Kardashian & co for being a part of this.
“I looked in the mirror at my body this morning. I wouldn’t have done that before,” she revealed. “I would have been too afraid to. Thank God, I do think I have a nice shape, a small waist and bigger bust and bum. God bless the Kardashians!”

She added: “This year I was a size 16 going to the VIP Style awards, which is not at my thinnest. There wouldn’t have been a chance in hell I would have done that a few years ago.”
But although Elaine says she doesn’t let her weight bother her anymore – “I am who I am” – she feels she needs to get her “ass in gear” as she hasn’t exercised since Christmas, and she worries about her health.
“At my heaviest I was classed as ‘clinically obese’. I think I could still be now,” she said. “I do worry a bit about it as I get older. Stroke, heart, attack that type of thing.”