As we all well know by now 2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for everyone. While some have tragically fallen ill to this virus, others haven’t been able to see friends, family or loved ones for a huge chunk of the year. As well as this, there’s been multiple lockdowns, countless changes to how we go about our daily lives, and we’ve all had to find ways to adapt to this strange year! VIP asked some of our favourite people to tell us what is bringing them joy and keeping them pushing through 2020…
Jennifer Zamparelli
“It’s all about everyday wins for me. Getting my kids out the door on time…winning. Not killing my husband… winning. I get complete joy from work, feel blessed I still can work. People call into the show and I have heard some of the funniest stories over the last few weeks even in these depressing times. It’s a reminder that through adversity and hard times Irish people never lose their sense of humour and that is so inspiring.”
Georgie Crawford
“There is no denying that this is a tough time and we are all going through the motions of having both good and bad days. We sat down as a family before lockdown 2.0 and I wrote down all the things that make us happy. Whether that’s bringing Piper (our dog) for a walk, flying like a butterfly (our daughter Pia’s suggestion), baking cakes and taking long baths, I wrote it all down. Now that list is hanging in our kitchen we’ll do our best to do at least one thing from the list every day. I also never stop believing that this time will end and we will get our lives back. It may not be as quick as we’d like, but it will happen. Never underestimate the healing powers of nature and how much better we can feel by simply going outside.”
Mary Kennedy

“During the first lockdown I made the occasional phone call to people that I hadn’t seen in a while. This was at a time when we were all Zooming for work and recreation and there was a certain amount of prep involved in that. I didn’t feel I could go on a Zoom call without running a comb through my hair and putting on a bit of makeup. Making a phone call was a lot less pressure. A cuppa in one hand and the phone in the other, lying on the couch. And just chatting! I was surprised and delighted how lovely it was to make contact out of the blue with an old pal or colleague and just catch up in the old fashioned way of lifting the phone.
“We were in the middle of lockdown so there were no false promises of meeting up for a coffee ‘when this is over’. It was just a case of having a conversation, in the moment, with a person and asking them how they were getting on. Some were getting on okay, others were struggling. In all cases though, the phone call was a joy for me and I hope it was pleasant for them too. I have taken to doing the same thing in this lockdown and I have phoned one person every day that I haven’t been in touch with in a while. In all cases, the phone calls have provided a moment of nice connection during the day. And they are a reminder of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s words: ‘There is no hope of joy except in human relations’.”
Brian Dowling
“I have to thank my husband Arthur and my family for getting me through this time. I left home in 1998 to live in London, and then LA so it’s so comforting to be back home especially during this pandemic. Arthur and I are currently back living at my Mum and Dad’s house and I’m in my childhood bedroom. I’m loving being able to watch my little nephew Harvey grow up. He’s 19 months old and it’s such an AMAZING age, we can’t wait for Christmas. Arthur and I usually spend sometime apart due to travelling for work so that’s also been nice, spending more time together and thankfully there’s been no arguments YET!”
James Patrice
“When things are as overwhelming as they are right now, it can be a little difficult to find joy or moments of solace – particularly when we’re bombarded with news at every point we turn. But, I firmly believe that taking a soft approach to life at times like this is the way forward. By all means go about your day and do your bits, but do them with a little more ease and kindness to yourself. Use the fancy products in the shower that you’ve been saving, treat yourself to that notions coffee and if you feel like sitting on your derrière with a chipper, then do it!
“We so often put pressure on ourselves to constantly be busy and can sometimes experience guilt if we’re not living up to what we think we should be doing. We’re all different, so we’ll all handle things in our own unique way. If you want to bake 342 loaves of banana bread? Go for it! If you want to put the feet up with a cuppa? Then that sounds pretty fabulous too.”
Elaine Crowley

“What keeps me smiling is FaceTime with my nieces and nephews – the little ones especially are gas, and full of drama! And to be honest, I’m hoping against hope I can have a decent Christmas and will be able to meet up with my friends. That’s what’s keeping me going at the moment. Christmas this year will be all the more special because the things we usually take for granted are now so precious to us.”