Glenda Gilson has revealed that her slim and svelte physique is simply down to good genes and a fast metabolism.
The Xpose star has admitted that she doesn’t adhere to any sort of diet or fitness regime, claiming she’s just one of those lucky types.
“I’ve a really fast metabolism, and my brother is the same way. I’ve always been that way, even when I was small, and hopefully that stays,” Glenda told Evoke.ie
The TV3 host also said that she has her mother to thank for passing her down a killer set of legs.
“She wouldn’t be one for cellulite or anything,” the 34-year-old said. “Fingers crossed I’ll be the same.”

Despite being naturally toned, Glenda did say that she toyed with the idea of joining a gym again, but she couldn’t bear to “walk around with sore legs.”
And she added that she steers clear from paleo or vegan diets, championed by fellow beauties Rosanna Davison and Roz Purcell, commenting: “I don’t have a tag, I eat everything and anything – I love my food.”
But, like any other woman in the media spotlight, the model-turned-presenter admitted that she does “feel pressure” to look good on screen, but having a stylist helps to alleviate the stress.
“I find if I’ve good hair, I can hide a lot. I can’t wash my hair myself or do anything like that, so I get it done by a stylist every week. Thankfully it’s really dry and it stays nice for days, so that helps.”

There must be something in the Irish water as a number of celebrities have professed to having superhero genes as of late.
In this month’s VIP magazine, Pippa O’Connor told us she “hates exercising” and loves to snack on chips and chocolate, yet she’s smaller now than she was in her twenties.
Meanwhile, Ronan Keating’s wife-to-be Storm Uechtritz chatted to RSVP recently about how she struggles to keep weight on because of her naturally slim build.
We have to say we feel a little bit of the green-eyed monster over here in VIP Towers – we’ll have whatever they’re having please!