If you are lucky enough to have snagged a ticket for Harry Styles in Slane on June 10th, we have the rundown of everything you need to know before heading to the concert.
General info
Firstly, the event is sold out completely and there are no tickets being sold at the venue, so hold your golden tickets close to your chest and have them ready for the Garda Síochána ticket checks in operation on all approach routes.
You will need to have your tickets downloaded or transferred ahead of time!
Don’t buy from unreliable sources – resale via www.ticketmaster.ie
Once you enter the gig you cannot leave and re-enter so make sure you have everything you need with you.
If you are under 16 then you need to be accompanied by a parent or a guardian over 25. Unaccompanied minors will be refused entry.
The venue
Slane Castle is outdoors and this means that the concert will be taking place rain, hail or shine– let’s all hope for some sunshine!
It is Ireland so make sure to dress for the Irish weather – layers/raincoat/ suncream!!
Slane is a residential area so make sure to respect the property & privacy of residents and have consideration for locals.
There are no big bulky bags allowed into the venue so make sure your bag is A4 or smaller!
Catering & bar facilities onsite. No alcohol can be brought in. Water points will be located throughout the concert site and soft refillable bottles are allowed.
Bring your ID! Proof of age is required for the sale of alcohol and entry.
Make sure to familiarise yourself with the location of the exit gates, emergency exits, first aid posts and water points on arrival.
An Garda Síochána will operate a ZERO tolerance policy on anti-social behaviour and anyone found to be intoxicated will be refused entry, or removed from the site, without a refund.
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Transport info
It is advised to allow additional 3 hours travel time both to and from the venue- book your transport in advance too.
Expect extended delays when exiting car parks as they are cleared on rotation for your safety- Remember that buses get priority and that the car parks are independently operated.
All public car and bus parks require a 20-30 min walk to the site, so plan your route in advance!
There will be four official car parks for this event: Green, Blue, Red and Pink.
Car parks are assigned when booking based on Garda traffic management plans.
For accessible parking enquiries – please see www.mcd.ie/contact-us
Do not rush the exits after the concert- this will only cause further delays.
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Top tips
Wear comfortable flat shoes – no heels or sandals, we know you’re thinking about your outfit, but think comfort!
Charge your phone, and bring battery packs with you – you’ll need it for your tickets
Stay hydrated/don’t forget to eat – it’s a long day
Learn the halo effect: If you see someone in difficulty in the crowd, get everyone in a circle around them to lift their phone torches up all pointed towards the stage to make
a halo effect of light, and get them help ASAP.
Allow enough time for concert entry procedures, ticket checks and searches.
Do not bring!
- Folding chairs of any kind (no exceptions).
- Animals (other than registered working dogs).
- Large backpacks.
- Glass, cans, hard plastic or metal reusable bottles.
- Umbrellas.
- Alcohol or illegal substances.
- Professional cameras, video equipment or iPads.
- Any item that could be a weapon or pose a hazard.
- For the full list, please visit www.mcd.ie/prohibited-items
- it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with what you can and can’t bring.
- *Any confiscated items will be disposed of. Non-surrender may lead to refusal/removal from site.
Where am I standing or seated?
Make sure to check your tickets to see where you are heading- you do not want to walk 30 mins to the wrong area!
There are six different standing ticket zones: Johnny’s Place, Bishopsgate, Hollywood, Standing, Circle and General Admission.
For seating it is the Castle Compound Accessible Platform.
Need help on the day?
Look out for Slane’s Customer Care Superstars in Pink Hi-Vis – you’ll be able to find them at the stars on the map.
For those travelling with children make sure to ask about the Tag-A-Kid wristband scheme. Pro tip: Take a photo on the day of your child in their concert outfit!
Should you have any medical condition that requires allowances, get in touch in advance: www.mcd.ie/contact-us