Poor Simon Cowell eh? As if his baby the X Factor taking a battering in the ratings wasn’t bad enough, the failing reality show has now been slated by one of the most popular tv presenters in both the UK and Ireland.
Graham Norton has vented about the singing competition and made it extremely clear that he’s not tuning in on a Saturday and Sunday night…
In an interview with the Radio Times, the chat show host admitted he hasn’t watched the X Factor for years: “It just seems so long now – it’s endless. Also, the people aren’t very good, so to all the judges’ comments of ‘I’d buy your album tomorrow’ you think, ‘You’re never having an album’.

“You wouldn’t throw 50p at them if they were busking in the Tube. I think it’s lost its credibility.” Miaow! We can imagine some awkwardness if Simon or any of the other judges are booked for an appearance on his BBC show for a chinwag!
However, Graham did admit that he’s a big fan of new member of the panel, Radio 1 star Nick Grimshaw, who replaced our very own Louis Walsh.

“Certainly, I’m not supposed to be listening. He’s supposed to have attracted the kids, but he can’t shake this 52-year-old listener,” he says. “I like the music he plays and besides, where would I go? I don’t want Radio 4’s Today, and I don’t want Chris Evans, so Nick it is. What faint praise that is!”
Are you with Graham? Should the X-Factor be scrapped at this stage? Let us know in the comments below!