

Georgie Crawford admits she’s in the middle of a “reset”

Georgie Crawford Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

Is it just us, or does life often get busier come the summer months?

Whether it is new challenges or big life changes this time of year often brings reflection for people.

And that’s exactly what Georgie Crawford is currently experiencing.

Taking to Instagram, the wellness warrior admitted to her followers that she’s in the middle of a “reset” right now.

Pic: Instagram/Georgie Crawford

Posting a photo of a nutritious meal to her story, Georgie clarified: “Nothing to do with food btw, but all in the mind.”

Opening up, she explained: “I have felt in survival mode for so many months (that’s perfectly okay) but allowing myself to gently come out the other side and learning a lot along the way.

“Excited to share it all with you,” she teased.

Previously speaking to VIP Magazine, Georgie shared how she hoped this year would bring growth not only with herself but with The Good Glow podcast too which sees Georgie speak to experts who will demystify topics like sleep, fertility, nutrition, gut health and much more.

“I’ve always wanted to grow The Good Glow outside of Ireland, and New York this year is the start. It’s really exciting for us,” she gushed.

Georgie Crawford

“We hope to run events, we’re looking to do the Chicago half marathon and something in LA, too. A big dream for me would be to start little pockets of Good Glow communities across the world.”

Continuing on she said: “I think over the last few years it felt like we were waiting. And as I waited, I felt like time was standing still.

“2023 gave me so much hope but 2024 is giving me so much joy and belief. My vision board this year will take me forward. I’m excited to continue to grow and learn every day. And, I’m training to become a meditation teacher!”

While it may be all go, we’re glad to see Georgie taking a little pause!

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