Geordie Shore star, Vicki Pattison has been spotted out and about with a top Irish comedian.
The reality tv star spent a night on the tiles with Al Porter along with a host of other famous faces.
The Irish star took to Twitter yesterday posting a picture of himself striking a pose with Vicki, Kelly Brook and an unknown handsome gentleman.
Al seemed to have the time of his life with the group and was certainly impressed with the men they met on the night out.
He even took to Twitter, joking with Kelly Brook about passing on his number, “In heaven last night – @IAMKELLYBROOK I hope you passed on my digits to the lovely boys!”
The night out followed their appearance on new show, It’s Not Me It’s You.
Al made a lasting impression on everyone he met during the tv apperance, as Kelly Brooke and Eamon Holmes took to Twitter to show their appreciation of the star.
Eamonn Holmes tweeted, “Al u r a funny, funny guy. Thank u for coming on#INMIY – please watch us tonight and spread the word around Ireland. Cheers.”
Kelly tweeted, “My Super Sexy Team @TheAlporter @carolvorders.”
We’re not surprised everyone love the fantastic Al!