We’ve all been scrolling through social media and compared ourselves to what we see on our screens.
Especially for big events. And with Christmas just around the corner, we all want to make the big day as special as possible.
But sometimes seeing how the other half live on social media, it is easy to feel pressure to recreate this.
In fact, 55 per cent of Irish people say social media can make them feel pressured into having the “perfect” Christmas.

Are you one of them?
According to the new survey of 1,038 Irish adults released by One4all Gift Cards, 41 per cent say Christmas shown on social media by celebrities and influencers doesn’t reflect the truth of a real family Christmas around Ireland.
47 per cent admit they feel influenced to buy the things they see on their social media feeds to create the perfect Christmas – leading to 44 per cent admitting they do spend more money than they anticipated at Christmas on decorations, household décor, outfits, food and drinks trying to achieve a similar look to what they are seeing on social media.
Buying new Christmas home accessories in line with emerging trends, such as Christmas wreaths and colour co-ordinated decorations (51 per cent), matching Christmas pyjamas for the family (42 per cent), taking family photos while watching The Late Late Toy Show (35 per cent) and giving Christmas Eve boxes or gifts (31 per cent) topped the list of the most popular festive social media trends that are being indulged in at Christmas time.

We’re exhausted just thinking about it!
But don’t worry, most Irish adults’ favourite Christmas moments involve simply spending time with loved ones (58 per cent). In reality, a bit of chaos and mess is all part of the fun of a real Irish Christmas, for 51 per cent.
You can find out more here. And you can pick up your One4all Gift Card, ranging in value from €15 to €150, from the local Post Office, Tesco, Circle K, ALDI selected Postpoints nationwide, and online.