Poor BOD has been getting a bit of slagging on Twitter by a former teammate again – this time over his choice of winter coat.
The retired rugby star had the mickey taken out of him by messer Cian Healy, who joked that he looked like he was borrowing a few items from his wife, actress Amy Huberman’s wardrobe.

Cian posted a pic to his 235k followers of Brian wearing what he joked was The Clinic star Amy’s furry coat.
“So nice of @amyhuberman to give her fella @BrianODriscoll a loan of her jacket for tonight!!! #fur #leather,” he teased.

However, BOD took the banter in his stride, and replied ‘calling my missus a Unit?!’. Another rugby star, Ian Madigan then prompted Amy to get involved in the LOLs, telling her, “Come on… @amyhuberman the wait is torture #fur-gate”
Using her trademark punny humour, she replied: “Never ever ‘fur-gate’ your own sense of style BOD!”