Have you ever wished you could renovate your home on Room To Improve, but weren’t planning on undergoing a renovation any time soon? Well, this could be your chance.
Dermot Bannon and the Room To Improve crew are back filming for the next season, but this time, they’re searching for people with smaller projects to take part.
Speaking on Ray D’Arcy’s RTE Radio One show, Dermot explained “Normally we have lots of people applying for Room To Improve, it’s a constant stream through the office but actually this year because of Covid and lockdown and all that people just assumed there’s nothing on TV.
“We’re back filming, we’ve been back filming for a couple of months now and we’re looking for two small projects. We’re looking for non planning projects.”

This comes after Dermot had previously opened up on what life was like once filming for Room To Improve came to a halt. Speaking at the RTE autumn schedule launch Dermot said, “I was very busy with work because, the practice, we got very busy with people ringing and new projects.
“But what I found is I spend a lot of time, especially with Room To Improve, travelling and I spend a huge amount of time in the car and I got all of that time back. So in a way, I was busy in work but I had a huge amount of time in the evenings.”
He continued, “But I really noticed the quality of life had improved a huge amount. I think I got addicted to that level of busyness and I think I have seen the light.
“Not everything has to revolve around work so it has changed me.”
If you’d like to take part, you can apply right here.