The Irish came, saw, but failed to conquer at the 2016 Golden Globe Awards, held last night in Los Angeles. The television and movie awards, the first big event of the 2016 calendar, is often considered a very good guide for who might win an Oscar on February 28th.

We had high hopes for an award, with Saoirse Ronan a nominee for Best Actress for Brooklyn, Michael Fassbender nominated for Best Actor for Steve Jobs, and Room nominated for Best Movie and Best Screenplay. Sadly, it was to be disappointment for all concerned, although Irish co-production Room did win an award for Best Actress courtesy of Brie Larson, who pipped Saoirse to the award. Leonardo Di Caprio as expected won Best Actor, and Lenny Abrahamson’s movie lost out to The Revenant for Best Movie and Steve Jobs for Best Screenplay.
Unfortunately, the night was to end in disappointment for all the Irish stars. Saoirse was considered our best hope, as she had already won best actress for Brooklyn at the British Independent Film Awards and the New York Film Critics Circle. Hers was the only nomination that the movie received at the Golden Globes, however, and Brie Larson scooped the prize for her portrayal of a mother held captive with her son in a garden shed in the Lenny Abrahamsson-Directed Room.

Michael Fassbender was not expected to win, as his movie Steve Jobs had done poorly at the box office, while Room was always considered to be a low-budge outsider in the Best Movie category, despite Abrahamson’s movie winning widespread critical acclaim.