Mullingar’s Niall Horan is far from your usual squeaky clean boyband member – the One Direction singer has revealed he wrote a song for the group about one night stands.
The musician’s latest tune Temporary Fix may sound like your average pop song, but Niall has admitted there is a naught meaning behind it.
Opening up about the lyrics, he said: ”This is a song I wrote. It [the song] has got a bit of dirt to it, a bit of grit to it
”It’s basically about being in the bar, and some guy is chewing the ear off you.

“He’s got a few drinks on him, and you can tell by her body language that she doesn’t want to be there, so you come over to her, chat to her…” he told MTV News.
He added: ”Then the chorus is basically about ‘I can be your temporary fix’.
”We don’t have to call it anything – just kinda… it’s relatable I guess. Everyone has a grungy night out now and then.”
Oo-er, Niall! The 22-year-old is currently taking a break alongside his fellow 1D members, describing it as a “long holiday”.