


Brian and Arthur chat new baby, new home and new jobs!

Brian Dowling and Arthur Gourounlian Pic: Brian McEvoy

Brian Dowling and Arthur Gourounlian are all go – seriously.

They’ve just moved into a new home. They’re preparing for baby number two. Brian has landed two new jobs on radio and television.

Oh and of course, they are two of Ireland’s most fashionable men. In 2023, Arthur picked up the Most Stylish Man at the Platinum VIP Style Awards and this year Brian was awarded the gong.

Honestly, we’re just exhausted thinking about it all.

We caught up with the lads on the red carpet of the Platinum VIP Style Awards to see how they’re getting on…

Brian Dowling Gourounlian Pic: Brian McEvoy

Brian and Arthur! Baby number two is en route. How are you feeling?

Brian: We’re very excited, we’re not really organised for baby number two. We just moved recently. We’ve just gotten all the baby stuff down and out. Blake is almost two, she’s 20-months, so she’s pretty independent. And now, we’re like, “Oh, we’re doing it all again”!

Does Blake know that she’s going to be a big sister?

Arthur: Yes and no. She knows that something is going on. She knows what babies are and when she sees babies she says: “Shush, baby!” She understands that there is something that is smaller than her. But I don’t think she realises that she’s going to be a big sister.

B: I think we’re going to get her involved as much as we can. We’ll ask her to pass us the nappy, give us the bottle, that kind of thing. Blake has had us exclusively for her entire life. She now has to learn how to share her time.

You’ve moved house! How is settling into your Dublin home?

B: This has been really good, we’ve never lived in Dublin together before. We moved from Kildare to Dublin, but we’re not saying it’s our forever home. It makes sense for us because I’m in Dublin now every day with my radio show on 98FM and then on The Six O’Clock Show. We resisted it for as long as possible, but it just makes sense. I’m in contract for the next two years for us to be in Dublin. Then we’ll decide where our forever home is going to be. I have a fantasy of us living in Kildare but I just don’t think it’s the reality of what we do.


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Brian, we have to ask – how do you manage your daily radio show and TV show?

B: It’s been great. I feel like I’ve been doing it for so long. Last year was a great preparation for me because I filled in for Greg [O’Shea] on The Six O’Clock Show and I was doing Weekend AM. I was doing radio as well and I signed up to do The Salvage Squad which is a whole other TV show on Virgin Media. All of last year, I was gone from morning to night. Me and Arthur communicate really well, so that helps. At the start, I was quite emotional leaving Blake. But now that we’re living in Dublin, she’s up with me every morning. I change her nappy, I give her her bottle, and she watches Minnie Mouse. You get used to it. We’re very lucky to be here in Ireland and to get these opportunities. You don’t always get to be on telly and radio every day and Arthur is on Dancing with the Stars. We’re very, very lucky. When we moved into our home in Kildare we were literally living off our savings. Then we had the documentary and the book, we’ve been very, very lucky. I still work hard because you never know when that phone is going to stop ringing.

Arthur, a controversial question – but you got your first boo this season on Dancing with the Stars. How did you find that? Are you going to be a villain now?

A: It felt weird. It’s normally Brian Redmond’s job! But it’s fine, it’s the show. I never know what is going to come out of my mouth. But it worked! I said loosen up, shake it up and Jason did!

You can check out all the winners from this year’s Platinum VIP Style Awards here.

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