

Bookmark with Roisín Meaney

Pic: Vig Gleeson

Now living in Clare, Roisín is the author of 22 books. She talks to us about the words that fill her world…

Roisín, where is it that your novel ideas come?
Everywhere and anywhere. An overheard remark (hat tip to Maeve Binchy), personal experience, a conversation with a friend, a newspaper report. I don’t think any of the books have kicked off in the same way. Last year someone I had just met made a remark that I know is going to be the opening sentence of a book soon.

When writing, what do you need?
I need a laptop, a pot of tea, and some peace and quiet. I can’t have interruptions, or any noise apart from a purring cat or two.

Where do you like to read and write?
I read anywhere I get a chance; on the couch, bed, train. I write mainly at my kitchen table. I’d love to bring the laptop to a coffee shop but I need that peace and quiet.

What books are you reading at the moment? 
I’ve just finished Nora Ephron’s excellent Heartburn and I’m about to start Chris Whitaker’s All the Colours of the Dark. I recently loved Niall Williams’ Time of the Child, and Sally Rooney’s Intermezzo is approaching the top of my pile.

What is the first book you remember loving? 
First adult book was Lolita by Nabokov. I was blown away. First child book was probably a Noddy story – I gobbled them up.

Is there a book that changed your life? 
When I was wondering what to do with a career break from my teaching job, a cousin gave me Alastair Crompton’s The Craft of Copywriting, which inspired me to look for a job in advertising, which ultimately led to me becoming a writer.

A book that left you thinking about it days later? 
We Need to Talk about Kevin. I was traumatised. He was the most monstrous creation I can remember in a book.

Which authors do you admire?  
Donal Ryan, Niall Williams, Kate Atkinson, Anne Tyler, Ann Patchett, E. Annie Proulx, Elizabeth Strout, Ian McEwan, Sebastian Faulks. So many more.

Are you a Kindle or a paperback reader? 
Paper all the way.

A book you loved on Audible?
Shrines of Gaiety by Kate Atkinson. A brilliant story, brilliantly read by Jason Watkins.

Are you an impatient reader?
Sheila O’Flanagan gives every book she starts 60 pages, and if it hasn’t bitten by then, she closes it! I’m less charitable than Sheila – a book gets 50 pages from me! Far too many good books out there to waste time on ones I don’t enjoy (and I’m a very slow reader).

We came across this quote recently, “I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else.” Have you?
No. I live in the real world! I can get delightfully lost in a good book that I’m reading, and I can lose track of time when I’m caught up in writing one, but I couldn’t say books consume my life to that extent. There’s far too much more out there!

What next?
The next book, of course! I’m about a quarter of the way through the first draft, and all is well. It’s scheduled for spring 2026, so plenty of time to get it right.

Moving On, by Roisin Meaney, is out now


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