

Bonnie Ryan shares heartache and guilt following her dog’s passing

Pic: Instagram/Bonnie Ryan

Bonnie Ryan has opened up about the passing of her dog, admitting she was overcome with guilt after it happened.

Yes, the influencer was devastated by the sudden passing of her French bulldog last summer.

After moving to the U.S. in 2023, Bonnie and her husband John arranged for a transport service to drive Bobby from California to New York last July when they decided to relocate to the East Coast.

Bonnie booked the service following extensive research, as flat-nosed dogs are not permitted on flights in the U.S.


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However, on the night Bobby was supposed to arrive in New York, the couple received the heartbreaking news that he had passed away during transit.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Bonnie said: “He was literally attached to my hip. And I know, to people who don’t have a dog, this seems so stupid.

“But he was my best buddy, and we did everything together. And when I had nobody else for a long time, while I was away, he was my person that I had, and we just were so intertwined with each other,” she added.

“I think you can feel a lot of responsibility, then, when something prematurely happens like that, and I just felt so guilty.”

Reflecting on his death, Bonnie noted: “There were a lot of great things that happened last year. I had some of the biggest highs in my career… but then there were definitely some of my lowest lows.

“I think I’m just very happy to be out the other side of all that.”

Opening up further on her podcast No One Else Will Listen, which she hosts with her sister Lottie, Bonnie explained why she waited so long to talk about it: “I barely said anything about it because I’m quite traumatised about the whole thing. So is John, he is the strongest person ever, but he’s such a sensitive soul as well. He adored Bob more than life itself.

“I think we’ve both struggled with what happened and getting over it.”

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