Amy Huberman has admitted that she keeps a diary to record the exploits and emotions of being a new mum, wife and businesswoman.
The anticipated news broke on her Instagram page with a picture of the journal with the caption; “First diary I’ve ever properly written.”
Oh, how our minds wonder what such a diary would reveal about the curious life of one of the nation’s most beloved stars. So, after extensive phychological research on the mind workings of Mrs BOD, we think we’ve cracked it! It’s all but confirmed, really!
Here are 5 things (we think) Amy is sure to have written in her diary;
See how she looks at her. That’s real love, that is.
1. Her bedroom walls are covered in Amy Poehler posters:It’s no surprise to us that Amy H has a bit of a thing for Amy P. Meeting the SNL comedian in Dublin earlier this year, Amy broadcasted her unyielding love for her idol and pretty much said she’d prefer to be Mrs Poehler than Mrs BOD. She’s very blunt about it too! The poster/shrine thing has become abit of an issue in the house alright and Brian isn’t too happy about it, poor fella. Nevertheless, Amy’s not budging….either one..
Err, right?
2. She’s really appropriate clothing confused: Someone needs to get onto Amy asap and explain the workday-weekend attire guideline. It’s basic stuff truthfully but the actress just about gets away with her unconventional standards because, quite frankly, she’s adorably unaware. Also the girl needs to sort out her priorities. CHILL IS NEEDED.
oh, all the memories! So many sleepless nights
3. She dreams in Classic Rock song lyrics: With so many post about feeling “exhausted” from the chaos and challenges that go along with being new to motherhood, we can only presume that her lack of sleep must be caused by an inability to get Aerosmith songs out of her head. Hey, it could be worse! It could be Aqua!
The casual mention of such a traumatic event can’t mask your sadness, Amy Love
4. She’s still traumatized about Zayn Malik leaving 1D: With regard to the Godly Zayn “chiselled-ckeeks” Malik’ (we’re sorry) making such an abrupt departure from the boyband, we reckon Amy’s filled up at least 57 pages. I mean, we all got a fright, but we think Amy’s not doing as well as the rest of us. She later tweeted about hearing ghostly echoes from a spiritual dimension which turned out to be just the whale noise setting on the baby monitor. Sob..We miss him too.
Drake reference, very nice touch
5. Her PC memory is overflowing with her Twitter puns: She’s got a back-log of puns ready to use (think in the millions) on Twitter, but they’re taking up all the space on the computer’s hard drive. Brian has no room to store all his fierce looking ‘tearing up the pitch with the rugby ball’ shots which perfectly show up his peachy derriere…He ain’t called BOD for nothing, ya know! Amy is considerate of this but feels her needs are greater than his. Also, she believes the reason she needs the cyber space is more world changing and profound.
Exhibit A: “Papaya don’t preach. Gonna devour this like Drake.”