Yesterday, Amy Huberman was voted as the ‘dream celebrity friend’ for us Irish women – and VIP was the one to break the news to her! We were chatting to Amy as she launched the third Bord Gais Energy Student Theatre Awards, and the actress seemed very surprised when we informed her that she topped the survey by One4all.
“Oh my goodness, that’s so nice. It’s really flattering, it’s really nice to feel that support,” she beamed. But while everyone seems to want to hang with the Threesome star, we had to ask: “Who’d be in her girl gang!?

“I always say Amy Poehler, I got in two pictures of her which is a legally binding contract of our friendship,” she laughed. “Amy Schumer also, they both seem like they’re having a lot of fun right now! All of the Amys – I’ll just trail behind them being like ‘Hey! I got the same name!'”
Here’s 5 reasons why VIP can imagine Amy would be a seriously good friend to have.
The Lols
Anyone who follows Amy on social media will know that she’s very punny indeed. The 36-year-old generally seems like great craic and is so down to earth that we can imagine having a right giggle with her over a glass of vino!
She could teach us how to be deadly on Twitter
We never know what to Tweet about – will we be known as the next Boring Kearney!? But if Amy was our pal, we could convince her to share her secrets at how her page is so brilliant. Don’t believe us? Click here.

Hanging out with hot rugby players
She’s married to BOD, which means Rob Kearney and co. could drop over to the house for a cuppa at any stage. ‘Nuff said.

We could borrow her gorgeous outfits
Thanks to ‘The Amy Effect’, whenever she wears something it sells out… but if we were mates, we’d just have to pop over to borrow something from her wardrobe. It just might be kinda’ hard to hand it back…

Going for pints with Chris O’Dowd
Chris was voted as the ‘dream celeb pal’ for Irish men in the same survey, which is ironic as he and Amy are actually pretty close. The duo have gone on some fun-looking double dates with their partners Brian O’Driscoll and Dawn O’Porter, and to be honest, we wouldn’t really mind tagging along as the, eh, fifth wheel!