Aimée is a busy woman. She’s about to jet off to LA to work on even more music.
Thankfully, we were able to catch up with the singer after the release of her latest single, See You There.
Here’s how we spent 10 minutes with Aimée…
Hey, Aimée, how are you keeping?
I’m all good. It’s been a mad few weeks since the single was released.
Congratulations on your new single, of course. What is it like to release music? Are you nervous?
Songs go out after midnight on a Thursday night. So I’m up waiting for it to make sure it went up all right on Spotify. Probably for three or four nights I won’t sleep. It’s nerve-wracking especially going through your demos to see what will be the next single. It is hard. And making sure you’ve made the right decision. Of course, I play it to my family and a few close friends but you need that validation from strangers. But it’s exciting.
What was the inspiration behind See You There?
I wrote this in London, there was really bad weather for weeks and weeks. I was walking to the studio one day and there were blue skies for the first time. It just felt like summer. I was in summer mood. I wanted this to be light-hearted and for people to just dance to. I haven’t released a summer song in a while.

You said that you always knew you were going to be a singer. You didn’t have a back-up plan. What was it like to be so self-assured at such a young age?
I had to keep it to myself originally. People are very negative and they were like, “Who does she think she is?“ Nobody knew who I was and I had never released music before but I knew it was what I was going to do. But I felt like I kept having to defend myself so I found it easier not to tell anyone. I kept it to myself and manifested by myself. I remember being really young and seeing the quote, “Work hard in silence, let success be your noise“ so I did that. I remember my teachers sent multiple letters home to my parents because I wouldn’t fill out the CAO applicants. I wasn’t interested in going to college. I was pulled out of class and told I needed a plan B. I was patronised and it was so s**t. If I were a teacher and I saw kids who wanted to do something so ambitious it’s your job to motivate them.
Is it scary to be in this industry without a safety net?
It’s way more scary to me to do a job that I hate. It’s way less scary for me to do a job like this where the chances of making it are so slim. You might make it. And if you don’t, you can get another job. Me giving this up is so much scarier.
We have such an incredible talent pool in Ireland…
There are so many incredible people and incredible women. I don’t feel so alone. While pop music definitely does have a platform here in Ireland there still is that thing of “Why is she not a dude? And why is she not singing slow songs on a guitar.” The fact there is such a big pop stage with women in Ireland is amazing.

Who would play you in a movie?
Reese Witherspoon. I love her. And she’s such a well-rounded actress. I want her to dress like she does in Legally Blonde and pretend that’s me.
How would you spend your perfect day?
Sundays are my favourite day of the week. So I’ll wake up, go for a walk and spend time with my dog. Go get an acai bowl and a little decaf coffee. Then I go see my family, my dad and my nana, stay there long enough until they annoy me. [Laughs] Then I’ll go shopping and go out for dinner. I’ll come home with loads of munchies so I can chill and watch a movie.
Who are your three dream dinner guests?
Britney, Christina and then Madonna. I would love to see them interact. I don’t need to speak, I’ll just sit there. [Laughs] That would be sick.

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Comparison is the thief of joy. I have to remind myself of that daily. All of us are victims to these things. Every time you open your phone, you compare your life to other people. We spend our whole life comparing. But we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Your journey is your own journey for a reason. Stay in your own lane, and stop comparing yourself to other people, you’ll be so much happier. We’re comparing ourselves to our highlight reel.
Who is the person you look up the most?
My mam. She passed away five years ago but I still ask myself what she would do in certain situations. She still takes the crown on that one.
What film would you love to forget and watch for the first time again?
Burlesque. That movie is everything. I still watch it on a rainy day. I am so jealous when people say they haven’t seen it yet.
What are you bingeing at the minute?
This is a random show. It’s called Seal Team. My dad recommended it to me. [Laughs] It’s just armies and people killing each other all day. I’m three seasons in.
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We know that there was no plan B, but if you couldn’t be a singer, what would you be?
I think I’d probably be an actress. Something in the arts. It would never involve numbers, let’s just say that.
Where is your favourite place in the world?
Probably home. I know I’m so lucky that I get to travel and go to these amazing places, but I’m always so excited to go home. I think it’s the safety. I’m an anxious person so I get nervous when I travel alone. So I like being around my people.
What’s on your bucket list?
World tour. [Laughs]
See You There is currently streaming