


10 minutes with… presenter Lottie Ryan

Lottie Ryan

From her favourite date night spot to her guilty pleasure, her proudest moment to her most embarrassing one, here, we spend ten minutes with RTE 2FM presenter and podcast host, Lottie Ryan to get to know her a little better.

What were you doing last night?
Cooking dinner with my husband or a more accurate answer would be learning to cook dinner with my husband! He’s currently teaching me some easy family recipes so I can improve on my non-existent cooking skills!

What’s your takeaway of choice?
Ooh this really depends on my mood, but currently I love a good chipper with loads of salt and vinegar!

Who’s your broadcasting hero?
My Dad.


Is there a question you hate being asked?
I don’t think so, as long as the intention behind the question is coming from a genuinely good place.

What’s been your most embarrassing moment on air or in public?
My life is a just series of embarrassing moments! I’ve done it all, from falling on camera to walking out of a shopping centre toilet with my skirt tucked into my knickers! You have to learn to just laugh at yourself!

What’s been your proudest moment so far?
My son. Being a mum is by far the proudest moment in my life

Photo by Lottie Ryan on Instagram

Tell us a secret about yourself.
I’m obsessed with flower arranging. I love buying just loads of flowers and putting together different arrangements around my home.

What’s your ideal date?
Pyjamas, a good movie, takeaway, candles lighting and a babysitter for the following morning!

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I invest in skin care. It’s the one thing I splurge on that I don’t ever regret. When I do my morning and evening skin routine it’s my way of carving out time for myself.

This piece originally featured in our sister mag, TVNow, on sale weekly.

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