

10 Minutes With…Irish artist Fia Moon

Fia Moon

VIP Magazine caught up with singer-songwriter Fia Moon as she jetted into Dublin for her latest gig.

She’s all smile as we chat in a sun-soaked Dublin.

“I am so happy to be back in Dublin, Ireland just feels so nice, I miss it so much,” Fia tells us as we chat about the rare good weather.

Here’s how we spent 10 minutes with Fia Moon…

Fia Moon

Hey Fia! How are you?

I’m great! It’s great to be back releasing music and doing gigs. I just played The Ruby Sessions which was really great. I’m back in the studio, working on new music which is really exciting.

Tell us the first thing you did in the morning.

The first thing I did this morning. My friend, who I was staying with, made me breakfast in bed because they were so proud of how my performance went the night before. I woke up and was handed a ginger shot, hot water with lemon and a plate of smashed avocado on toast and bruschetta. That was handed to me in bed. Which is never happened before.

You just played The Ruby Sessions. What is it like to play your music for people?

It just doesn’t feel real. And I never take anything for granted. My friend told me that when she went into the bathroom after a gig and she heard someone humming one of the melodies to my songs in the cubicle next to her. It means a lot, my music is really personal and from the heart. I do everything from writing the music to making the music videos because I’m independent so I think it’s sweeter to see all my hard work pay off. I feel really lucky to be in this position to perform in front of people. It’s really special.

Your songs are so personal. Is it nerve-wracking to release music?

I think I’m fine, then I hear my song for the first time on the radio and I feel like I’m going to throw up. As if I haven’t heard the song a million times before. It’s wild. I’ve realised my music is just an extension of me. I grew up with music just being a source of healing, it’s very deep within me. When I’m performing and releasing music I’m nervous because I’m bearing my soul. It’s usually word for word what really happened.

Fia Moon

When did you realise that music was going to be your career?

I never aspired to be a pop star, I just always wanted to do music. And that’s been from the age of four. I always sang I was always in school plays. And that’s not because I was particularly confident. I just did it. It was just part of me, it was a subconscious thing. Fate brought me together with a person who was a producer over in London and I had never worked with a producer before. Then I started writing songs, I wrote one full song, The Fall, and released it on Spotify. It just blew up. Off the back of that, I was booked for different festivals and gigs. I thought it was insane, I had no idea it would happen. But when it did happen I knew I had to start taking music seriously. People did care. I started writing full songs and figuring it out. They’re now extensions of my life.

Tell us about your new music.

I’m in my sassy era. Back To Me, which I released a couple of weeks ago, is sassy and the song I would love to release next is also quite sassy. I have another song I wrote with Days and while it’s more singer-songwriter but it’s still sassy. Before this, I was writing songs about my break up but I’m over that now. So I’m in my Hot Girl Summer. [Laughs]

Who would play you in a movie?

Salma Hayek. Or Penelope Cruz…Jesus…I’m really bad with actor names. Maybe Ana De Armas. I would be honoured. She’s so hot. Would she play me?

Tell us what your perfect day would be.

My perfect day would be sunny. I would be in the company of someone I love, like my friend. I would start with a hot water lemon. I would be in the south of France or in Dublin but somewhere green, not the city. I would go for a walk and listen to a podcast. I would just meet friends and have a really nice meal. Just spend time with people I love. Food makes me very happy.

Fia Moon

Who would be your three dream dinner guest?

Jay Shetty. Mel Robbins. Beyonce and Jay Z, they’re a package deal. The Carters.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever given?

There’s definitely an actual saying but the gist is:  “Keep your side of the street clean”. A lot of people think of themselves through other people’s lenses but what are you to yourself in the mirror? We need to cut out the noise and focus on ourselves.

Who is the person who you look up to the most?

I looked up to my grandmother the most. She passed away a year ago. She was a very strong but very sensitive woman, she had a lot of soul and a lot of heart. Music was the biggest love of her life. She really instilled that in me. She was a really special woman.

What TV show or movie would you love to erase from your memory and rewatch for the first time?

I love Friends, I watch it all the time. So maybe that. My favourite film is Some Like It Hot. I would love to erase it and watch it from the beginning and be like “This is the coolest thing ever.”

What are you bingeing at the minute?

I’m not watching anything. I’m so bad at TV. I’m a reader. I’m reading Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty so that’s why he’s coming to my dinner so I can quiz him! [Laughs]

If you couldn’t be a singer what would you be doing?

I feel like everyone is doing it now, but I would love to have a podcast. I am big into conversations and digging. If it wasn’t anything creative, I have a degree in economics so I could do something business-y. I also wanted to be a lawyer. I like justice and I like arguing a point. If I don’t think it’s fair I’ll stand up for myself or other people.

What’s on your bucket list?

I want to travel as much as I can. I really want to play venues like the 3Arena and the Olympia. I want to perform around the world. I want to keep releasing music. I want to meet new people and collaborate with people. Having a sold-out Irish tour would be amazing.

Fia Moon

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Antibes in France. It’s where my mam lives. It has such an essence of calm. It’s an old town so it has all the cobble streets but it is right on the beach. It’s just gorgeous. I just go all there all the time. I’m there every six weeks.

Fia Moon’s latest single Back To Me is streaming now

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