


10 minutes with… chef Neven Maguire

From his favourite show to his guilty pleasure, his proudest moment to his most embarrassing one, here, we spend ten minutes with chef Neven Maguire to get to know him a little better.

What were you doing last night?
I was in the restaurant until midnight and drove home, which is only a few minutes away. Myself and my wife Amelda had a chat and caught up on the day

What’s on your tv series link?
I keep an eye on Masterchef The Professionals. Those chefs are so talented and I have always admired Marcus Wareing. Apart from food I will always watch Manchester United and if I can’t see the match I’ll record it.

What’s your takeaway of choice?
If I am on the road, I’ll often stop at Macaris and have a burger.

Who’s your broadcasting hero?
Marty Whelan … a gentleman and a legend, but he can’t boil water.

Marty Whelan
Pic: Andres Poveda

Is there a question you hate being asked?
‘Does Amelda ever cook?’ And the answer is yes, she’s very good at it.

What’s been your most embarrassing moment on air or in public?
There was the afternoon on Open House when I was making a plum pudding live and I forgot to put in breadcrumbs. Mary and ‘the man who can’t boil water’ kept the show on the road and had a good laugh at my expense.

Is there a motto or piece of advice that you live by?
Treat staff like your family. My mother, Vera, always said that.

neven maguire

Tell us a secret about yourself.
I suppose people are getting to know it by now but I have a huge collection of 90s dance vinyl and I love playing the decks. I have discovered on social media that I am not the only one who enjoys their 90’s music

What’s your ideal date?
My wife, Amelda, in Chapter One. Their food and service are world class. And so is she!

What’s been your proudest moment so far?
Our twins being born. They are in their last Primary school year now and and I am looking forward to bringing them to St Clare’s Comprehensive in Manorhamilton next year. And professionally it was representing Ireland at the Bocuse D’Or in Lyons.

This piece originally featured in our sister mag, TVNow, on sale weekly.

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