Rosanna Davison has admitted that regardless of how busy she is in her career, everyone around her wants her and Wes Quirke to start adding to their family.
Her dad Chris De Burgh and wife Diane have been dropping subtle hints since she got married, but now the pair are asking her out straight to have children.
“[Dad] isn’t even subtle anymore, he’s just like, ‘Stop working’. [Mum] was being subtle and supportive up until about a month ago, but now she has started dropping heavier hints,” she said to the RTE Guide.

She is currently in the Seychelles with Wes to celebrate their second anniversary, and he also wants to have kids sooner rather than later.
“I would have popped out four at this stage is [Wes] was to have his way. He wants four children, he came from a family of four, and I was saying to him, his mum would have started in her mid-20’s. I don’t know how realistic it is.”

Rosanna admits that babies are definitely next for her, once she finishes promotion for her new book, Eat Yourself Beautiful.
“I would love to give them grandchildren. They would be amazing with them. It’s kind of the next part of my life now,” she said.