Oliver Callan has lashed out Rosanna Davison, slamming her cook book and slating the advice she gives.
The comedian criticised her comments about diary in her book Eat Yourself Beautiful, and doesn’t think people should be listening to her views.
Writing in The Sun, he said, “The fact that a woman with a famous dad, who earns a chunk of her fortune modelling skimpy outfits gets all the foodie headlines says more about us than it does her.
“Her recipe guide contains more exclamation marks than a comic book and the writing quality is at times as bad as most food guides by celebrities.

“The US Government promotes a daily intake of two-three cups of dairy products a day depend ending on your age. The British and Irish Governments’ advice is roughly the same.
“Each of these are guided by scientific experts who aim to balance their research with lobbying by farming and dairy groups. Who’s advice do you trust? Ms Davison is recently qualified as a naturopathic nutritionist.
“The problem for her is that naturopathy has not been embraced by everybody and her advice against dairy has been heavily criticised. Davison’s witch-hunt against dairy is good for her business and gives her publicity on the same subject.”

He added: “Gurning out from the preposterously girly cover, the irony of someone wearing more makeup than Ronald McDonald spouting about keeping things natural was clearly lost on anyone who bought and read it.”
Not only did Oliver slam Rosanna during his rant, but he also hit out at her readers.
“Rosanna’s demographic are the sort of people who photograph themselves on Facebook sitting gone a pilates ball with an unread Caitlin Moran book in hand.
“Out of shot is usually a family size bag of Maltese’s, a box of white wine and a packet of Kleenex. Some of her readers are not the most discerning bunch, so the media happily continues to anoint Ms Davison as an undisputed authority on nutrition,” he said.

He finished his attack by saying, “The best rule is to indulge in moderation. That goes for your intake of Rosanna Davison’s advice too.