2FM’s own Louise McSharry is due to walk down the aisle with long-term partner Gordon Spierin in just three weeks time. On the 21st of August the couple will marry in an intimate ceremony.
Louise, who was recently given the all clear of Hodgkins Lymphoma, has spoken out about not succumbing to the societal pressure of shedding pounds for her big day.

“Of course you want to feel your best and some people think weight loss is a part of that, losing a few pounds, but you want to look like yourself too and there’s no point in starving yourself for a single day”, she told Evoke.ie.
Since her cancer, the radio presenter has gone through changes with her body, but she is not letting that stop her from looking and feeling beautiful.
Louise has spoken out about body issues and the pressure to look a certain size. She feels that it’s an issue that needs to be talked about and people should not e ashamed of how they look. “We’re indoctrinated to thinking we can only look good at a certain size and i’ve had conversations with people before. It’s important to talk about our bodies and the weight issue-“.

Preach Louise, preach!