

Lucy Kennedy on what she hopes to achieve in 2022 and what’s next for Living with Lucy

Lucy Kennedy

Earlier this year we caught up with tv and radio presenter Lucy Kennedy and her family to chat about her fourth furry child, her love for writing kid’s books and what she hopes to achieve this year.

Lucy, how have you been? It’s been ages! How was Christmas with the kids?
It was lovely, thank you. My younger sister Gemma came home with her family and we hadn’t seen her for two years! It was very emotional because we all met our new nephew Max too. He’s divine! It was so lovely all being together. Thank God that she got home. We had Christmas dinner in our house and miraculously I didn’t poison anyone! Lots of good food, wine, slagging, pyjamas, telly and chocolates… like most families.

You had a new addition to the family this year – your rescue dog Riley! How has she changed the family dynamic?
Riley is my fourth child and on some days, my favourite! She was honestly one of our best decisions and we really adore her. She’s mainly Labrador so she has a very gentle, calm nature. She loves walks and still walks us! It’s very embarrassing because sometimes she’s pulling so hard on the lead that I can’t stop to talk to someone! It looks like I’m skiing. I spend my life watching people’s reactions when I say that she came from a rescue (Milo’s Mission Rescue) and people asking are always so shocked, still. The perception of the injured, aggressive, unwanted rescue dog is unfortunately still out there but hopefully changing too. I think that if people visited rescues, they would be pleasantly surprised.

Lucy Kennedy

Are you one of those ‘new year, new me’ people in January? Do you have any New Year resolutions?
I’ll try to be! It’s usually my aim to lose a few pounds and take up a new hobby. Neither happen! I love the idea of a fresh new year. Clean slate. I might join the rest of the country and start sea swimming!

One thing we always vow to change is our eating and drinking habits, especially after the indulgence of Christmas. Will you do Dry January this year!?
Yes, I love using the new year as an opportunity to set up some good habits for the rest of the year. I am definitely going to give it a go this year and I will try my very best! I have been opting for Heineken 0.0 more and more recently and that really helps with cutting back. It tastes just like regular Heineken, is alcohol free and only has 69 calories!

For those who would like to, but seem to base their socialising around alcohol, what are your tips for staying strong and still having the craic!?
I hate that feeling of missing out I used to get when giving Dry January a go but thanks to great 0% options like Heineken 0.0 you can still get out there and socialise with friends and family when trying to cut back. It is a great alternative. Thankfully there is a lot less stigma surrounding not drinking at social occasions now than previously.

Lucy Kennedy

What do you want to achieve in 2022? Work-wise, do you have anything exciting lined up?
I’m writing my fourth book in the ‘Friendship Fairies” series! It’s a whole new adventure which is very exciting. I really enjoy writing my children’s books. It’s a lovely feeling when a parent messages me to say that it was their child’s first ‘read alone’ book.

You’ve said you’d like to do Living With Lucy forever. Who would you like to live with in 2022? A realistic option, and an absolute dream option!?
Oooooh! I’d love to live with the following hit list for the next series: Sinead O’Connor, Graham Norton, John Cleese, Jamie Dorman, Joanna Lumley, Mary Lou McDonald, Anne Doyle, Roy Keane…to name a few!

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