

All parents should watch out for this sinister children’s app going around

Do you have this on your phone?

 Photo: Hal Gatewood
Photo: Hal Gatewood

A mother of a young girl has hit out at a terrifying mobile app intended for children.

The app which is an automated telephone call with ‘Blaze’ the car, takes a sinister turn when children press the call button.

When a call is made, a horror-movie-like voice asks if the person on the other end ‘would like to play’.

It quickly turns sinister when the voice says:

“You look afraid, is it this knife in my whirly tirrly hands?

“Making you a little nervous, huh? That’s alright, because this knife is going to improve your look when it’s sticking right out of you.”

This is followed my manic laughter.

The anonymous mother took to social media to warn other parents of the horrific video.

She asked other people to report the app and try to get it banned from the app store and Google Play.

The blaze and the monster machines app is intended to be based on the Nickelodeon cartoon, but parents should be aware of the sinister nature of the app.

Check out the video for yourself.

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