Young renters and older homeowners are needed for a brand new show on Virgin Media.
Over the next couple of months, production company Kite Entertainment, are hoping to match-up suitable candidates for an exciting home-sharing experience.
In their call-out, Kite Entertainment said, “Our newly-paired households will live together for two weeks, spending some time together every day, sharing their lives and getting the chance to see things from a new perspective.
“For the Homeowner, it’s a chance to combat the everyday loneliness of living in an empty house. For the renter, a chance to live rent-free, in return for their time and helping with some chores.
“At the end of the two week experiment, they will each decide if they’d be willing to give it a go, long term!”
Homeowners must be 65+ and renters over 21.
If you’re interested in getting involved, or finding out more, contact or 015611692.