Adele is no stranger to having impersonators, but last night, Graham Norton decided to disguise the singer and send her into an audition – as herself!
In a prank for her hour long BBC special with Graham Norton last night, the Irish host decided to make Adele as unrecognisable from herself as possible, before she entered an audition for the role of an Adele tribute act.
She donned a fake chin and nose, and with the help of some make-up magic, transformed the shape of her lips and eyes slightly.

She portrayed ‘Jenny’, a British nanny, and spent some time backstage with the other impersonators.
Jenny commented on Adele’s album, as well as the other performers without anyone noticing who she actually was.
As Jenny took the stage, the penny finally dropped and the other Adele’s finally realised who she was – and even Graham couldn’t contain his emotions by the end of the song!
Watch the moment unfold here: