Bubbling with joy, Missy Keating bounced into House, Dublin earlier this year for our photoshoot with the brightest smile and kindest persona; a fun-loving gal with a heart of gold…we simply adore her. She was just ready to take on the big stage and bust a move during the upcoming series of Dancing with the Stars, and Missy gave us a snippet of what we can expect – and lets just say, viewers are in for a treat. Following a hiatus due to Covid-19, the hit talent show returns to RTE this month with some of the biggest names of showbiz and a string of exciting new professional dancers, one of who, Ervinas Merfeldas, will be showing Missy the ropes.
Plasters on toes, routines learned and sparkly costumes at the ready, they’re buzzing to get out onto the dance floor and show everyone what they’ve got. Of course, her family; mum Yvonne Connolly, dad Ronan Keating, siblings and loved ones will all take it in turns to go watch her perform, and lend their undivided support. “We’ve got each other’s backs, always,” she beamed. Before making her DWTS debut, we chat to the 20-year-old about life in the spotlight, family dynamics and tales of romance…
Missy, how are you feeling about DWTS? Are you excited or are the nerves starting to kick in?
I am honestly thrilled! I still can’t believe it’s happening. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The nerves are getting real now! I can’t really put into words how I feel about the fact it’s going to be live on tv… it’s a big fear of mine but something I’m going to try overcome and enjoy. My dance partner is very supportive and knows how to calm me down which is great. I’m so glad of our relationship because I just know on the first night I’m going to be absolutely terrified.

How have you found rehearsals? You were a dancer when you were younger, has that been a big help?
Yeah, I was obsessed with dancing as a kid. I was a part of Back Street Dance Studios and I spent every day there after school. I was part of a hiphop crew, and it was something I absolutely loved to do with my best friends. As I got older I fell out of dancing and into acting. When I focus on something I give it my all. Having that rhythm in me is definitely helping in rehearsals. I’m able to count the music and remember the steps quite well, which is something I was afraid of.
You’re partnered up with one of the lovely new professionals, Ervinas Merfeldas from Celbridge, Co. Kildare. How are you two getting along?
So well! The first night we met we went straight out for drinks [laughs]. He’s a little bit younger than me, but super fun, energetic and really tall. They paired us well! We’re both the youngest people on the show too.
It’s well known that romance can blossom on shows like this – sure look at Jake and Karen from a few years ago! Would you be open to it if something came about, with either the professionals or any single contestants?
I’m quite a professional when it comes to these things, I don’t really want to mix love with this competition. I want to give this my all and really keep my head in the game so I’d probably refrain from doing that.

How do you find the dating scene in general, are you enjoying your time as a single lady?
Being single has changed my life. Over the last year I really took time for myself. Spending time on my own was something I always struggled with. When I was in a relationship I was obsessed with being around people all the time but over the last year I’ve really taken time to focus on myself and enjoy my own company, while working on me. Now I feel independent, I’m my own woman and it’s really great. I was also living in London, so there’s no complaints there. There’s some gorgeous people there, so the summer was fun, for sure!
Do you prefer going out in London or here in Dublin?
I really enjoy dating in London, I think there’s a lot more opportunities – there’s so many more people! When you go out on a date in London it feels spontaneous and fun, running around the city. It was the summer of a lifetime. I was only recently thinking back on 2021 and I think it was probably the best year of my life, so far.
Do you find it hard going on dates in Ireland as people know your story before even meeting you?
Yeah. I’ve grown up here, I was born and raised in Malahide…everyone knows everyone there! When I go back, it’s like we’re one big family. It’s a small town and we’re all close. I think here, everyone knows me but in London it’s a different realm and nobody knows what I do and I can just be me. If I meet a guy, I feel like he likes me for me. I feel a lot more free in London, like I can just be myself and I don’t have to worry about people knowing my business.

You were approached Love Island last year but turned it down, is it something you’d consider in the future?
I love the show, I watch it every year but it’s not for me. I was never interested in being on it myself.
In a funny turn of events, Matthew MacNabb (who appeared on Love Island 2021) is now going to be on DWTS with you this year… you could have shared tales of life in the villa.
Isn’t it wild? He’s so lovely. He’s such a nice guy. I watched him on Love Island, he was absolutely brilliant.
Who else are you close with on the show? Are any friendships forming already?
Everyone is super, super friendly. I was nervous meeting everyone but the group is just so overly nice and welcoming, especially all the dancers who have been on the show before, they just want to give you tips and help you along. I have a great relationship with Erica. She’s so lovely! She’s just a couple of years older than me, and really helps to calm my nerves too. They keep us in bubbles due to Covid so we don’t socialise too much, but in rehearsals we might pass each other and have a chat from a distance.
Who do you think will be your biggest competition?
I’m not a very competitive person, only with myself. I want to go out every week and be the best dancer I can be and give the best performance. I want everyone to do well. There’s already some really amazing dancers. You look through the window during rehearsals, you can see people busting a move and you just know who’s going to bring it. It’s great and that’s what it’s all about.

How does your family feel about you taking part, they must be so proud?
They are thrilled! My mom and dad have always been my biggest supporters. They’ve always wanted me to do whatever makes me happiest and when I told them about this, they were over the moon. They’re backing me all the way. My dad is number one supporter, he’s my rock. I’m delighted he’s happy. He’s made me so proud over the years, so now I want to do the same now.
Oh, he’s definitely proud of you! You’ve a gorgeous big blended family… tell us about your relationships, are you all incredibly close?
Yes, we are. My family is amazing. I lived on my own in London before Covid, but when the pandemic hit, everyone wanted me to come home. Dad wasn’t touring, he was spending time at home and my baby sister was just born so it was the perfect time for me to go spend time with them. I enjoyed every day with the kids. Those babies, Cooper and Coco are my everything. They make my heart so full and I’m just obsessed with them.
And what about Jack and Ali, you were always so close growing up… are you still the best of friends?
Oh yeah, the three of us have always stayed so close. Jack is about two years older than me so from a young age we’ve always been really tight. We have the same group of friends and we all hang out together. I really value our friendship, and the same with Ali. She has blossomed into such an amazing young woman. She’s killing it in the horse scene; she has competitions every week, and she’s giving it her all. She’ll muck out before school and then go ride afterwards. I’m so proud of her. It’s so nice to see that she has this passion in her life and it’s something she wants to do forever.
Also, it’s great to see that my mom has gone back to it too. When she grew up she was just like Ali, obsessed with horse riding and lived out in Kildare. She moved to Dublin, had kids but now that Ali has started it, the two of them have this amazing relationship with the horses and my mom is happier than she’s ever been which is so nice to see. Now that I’m back in Dublin for DWTS, I get to spend so much more time with my mom. During Covid I was in London so I didn’t get to see her too much. I’m trying to make the most of it now and savour these moments.
How does your mam and dad feel about your pursuing a career in the spotlight, have they been sharing any words of advice or encouragement, did they ever try to steer you away from it?
My dad always told me to be nice to people on the way up because you’ll meet them on the way down. It has stuck with me forever. My dad started his career at 16 which was super young and he had to grow up really quickly. I think I’ve very similar characteristics to my dad. I moved out at 18 and got a place in London. I had to figure out rent and work enough hours to cover bills. I grew up and adapted to it all very fast. Having a supportive mom and dad helps that. If anything did or does go wrong, I know I always have them to go home to but I want to be my own woman, make my own money and do what I want. They’ve always wanted me to feel like I had security and people to lean on.

They were so supportive when you appeared on the Voice UK. Having been on a talent/reality show like that, do you think that prepped you in any way for DWTS?
They’re very different. The Voice was a really long process, even before we got out to do what the public would see as the first audition. We went through five rounds before that, but I enjoyed it so much because I did it with my best friend. It was an amazing experience. I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else and I couldn’t have done it without her standing beside me. This is more me. I feel like I can do this one on my own. I feel really comfortable with this.
You clearly take after both of your parents with the singing and modelling talents, but it’s great to see you carving your own path, making a name for yourself…
Absolutely! That’s something I’m really passionate about. Even though I take so much pride in the Keating name, I really want to make a mark by myself and be who I am.
You do that through social media; it’s your own space and you’ve always done with it as you please. Do you enjoy having that creative outlet?
I do! I love social media, sharing my life, things about my family, food and clothes. It’s always been a place where I can just be me and not care about what anyone else thinks. I post things because I want to share them or because I want to say something. That’s what Instagram etc was made for, it wasn’t created for the negativity or to hate on other people.
Yeah, it can be quite a dark place at times with trolling and online bullying. How do you deal with that if it comes your way?
I have never my life replied or commented back to anything. I ignore it but if it’s something really bad I’ll block them immediately. Some people can be so ruthless and so careless but they’re the people who are unhappy with themselves.

You’re very open but do you like to keep some things private too and hold a few cards close to your own chest?
Absolutely. In terms of my dating life and who I might be seeing, I’ve learned over the years that I want to protect that part of me. In the past I might have shared too much so now I want to keep that private. It also protects the other person as well. There’s also some family things I wouldn’t ever share.
Finally, what does the future hold for you Missy? What would you like to do next?
That’s a big question. I haven’t really thought about it! I’m a very positive thinker, I love the law of attraction and manifestation so I only really want happiness. I want to work hard and continue to be me, I don’t want to change for anyone. I want to enjoy every single aspect of DWTS and I want to enjoy the journey and everything that comes with it. Whenever that finishes, I want to keep working hard and continue to carve a name for myself. The ultimate goal has always been acting. I can see myself doing that for years. That’s the big one – to get back into that.
Interview: Michelle Dardis
Photographer: Lili Forberg;
Hair & Make-up: Susan Brophy; www.suebrophy.com
Styling: Zeda The Architect
Shot on location at House, Dublin; visit www.housedublin.ie for bookings