Blogger and model Rosie Connolly has been making a name for herself on the digital scene for a long time now, but with her success has come plenty of hate.
The mum has opened up about her online abuse, revealing exclusively to VIP that she’s not immune to the nasty comments, and finds it’s hard to deal with.
Speaking to VIP in our blogger special this month, Rosie said, “The bigger following you have the more people you have giving you abuse. I’ve been told I’m too skinny and my makeup is awful.
“I can’t stand body shaming. I suppose the less you react, the quicker it goes away. I’m learning that the hard way.
“You’re still a person at the end of the day and you want to stick up for yourself. It’s hard not to react. I just delete and block the person now if they’re not being nice.”
While there are some haters, online influencers also get a surge of lovely comments – which Grace Mongey AKA the lady behind facesbygrace.com, told us.

“The other day, a girl told me I saved her life. She was suffering so badly from anxiety and said she would’t be here today if I hadn’t been so vocal about my own problems.
“I suffered from depression a couple of years ago too. I’ve gotten through it though. When I started to open up on my blog and Snapchat about my mental health and weight loss, it really grew. People must appreciate honesty,” she said.
We announced the news of our brand new Online Influencer category for the VIP Style Awards last night, and top blogger Ciara O’Doherty couldn’t be happier with the recognition bloggers are finally receiving.

She said, “I’m really happy it has been introduced. While digital influencers are a pretty new thing, they’re a very real thing. Whether they’re models or bloggers, they’re very much influencing people. It’s nice to see that getting recognised.”
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