Podcasts are an essential tool for learning. You can clean the kitchen, walk the dogs, knit and so much more whilst simultaneously learning about interesting topics.
We have compiled a list of our top three favourite episodes to kickstart your podcast journey. If you’re curious about deepening your knowledge surrounding the world then stay tuned!
13 Steps I Use to Manage Anxiety – The Blindboy Podcast
The Blindboy Podcast is a show ranging from comedy sections to interviews and discovering music.
This episode is one we often find ourselves returning to. Blindboy manages to concisely lay out a 13-step guide to proactive steps to managing your anxiety.
Blindboy poses these questions to be asked when dealing with adversity. These questions offer a moment to reflect and really question the origin of our fears.
We recommend skipping to 28:39 for the anxiety talk unless you’re interested in hearing about UFOs or a longstanding fan of the 1982 sitcom “Cheers”!
Menstrual Cycle 101: All those things they never taught us in health class -Fertility co.
Period poverty is a term used to describe a lack of accessibility to adequate menstrual products, alongside the education needed surrounding menstrual cycles.
In 2018 Plan Ireland’s Youth Advisory Panel undertook a survey to acknowledge period poverty in Ireland. This covered the rising price of period products, the scarceness of period education and stigma surrounding periods.
Amongst the 1100 girls surveyed between the ages 12-19+, 50% did not believe school provided adequate education about their periods.
This podcast episode provides a back-to-basics approach to filling the knowledge gap surrounding periods. It provides in-depth knowledge about your menstrual cycle going into great depth surrounding the four phases of the menstrual cycle.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had your period, there are plenty of questions to answer when it comes to our cycles.
Hangovers: What Really Helps? – Science Vs
We have all been there before, the dreaded hangover, but what really helps? An ibuprofen the night before? Chugging 2 litres of water? A big greasy full Irish breakfast?
Science Vs is a podcast show that provides the facts by backing them with proven information. This episode by Science Vs delves into the scientific cure for a hangover.
The podcast looks at educational remedies to cure that debilitating feeling after a night of drinking. Give this episode a listen to prepare yourself for the next bank holiday!
Words by Ebun Lofinmakin